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Kenneth K. Wogensen, MD, is an experienced board-certified neurologist in Arcadia, California, who has been providing expert medical care since 1988. He is a family-oriented physician who doesn’t just take care of the patient, but the entire family. Dr. Wogensen is known for his empathy and attention to detail and takes his patients’ cultural needs into consideration when providing treatment.

Dr. Wogensen specializes in the medical management of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, vertigo, myasthenia gravis, and seizures, and provides Botox® injections to treat migraines, tremors, and dystonia. Dr. Wogensen also conducts highly specialized tests to assess brain and nerve activity, including electromyography nerve conduction velocity and electroencephalogram tests.

After earning his medical degree from the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, Dr. Wogensen completed his neurology residency at the University of San Diego School of Medicine. To further his training, Dr. Wogensen participated in a fellowship in the Stanford Neurology Unit at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in California, and Stanford University Hospital in Stanford, California.

He is affiliated with the Arcadia Methodist Hospital, serving as the director of the stroke program.

Dr. Wogensen is a member of the Los Angeles Medical Association, the California Medical Association, the American Academy of Pain Management, and the American Academy of Neurology. He is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

For Dr. Wogensen, patients and their families come first. For experienced neurological care, call Kenneth K. Wogensen, MD, or request an appointment online.

Accepted Insurances

Dr. Wogensen accepts the following insurance providers: Dr. Wogensen is a Blue Shield PPO provider, but NOT for Covered California Blue Shield, or Promise Blue Shield, or Medi-cal Blue Shield same for Blue Cross.

Alignment Health
Anthem Blue Cross PPO
Anthem Blue Cross PPO | Not Covered California
Blue Shield PPO & EPO | Not Covered California
Great West
Health Net
Imperial Health Holdings

Frequent Fainting: Understanding the Causes and Treatments
Frequent Fainting: Understanding the Causes and Treatments

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Frontotemporal Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s Disease

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Kenneth K Wogensen, MD
1015 N 1st Ave, Suite A
Arcadia, CA 91006
Phone: 909-281-2236
Fax: 626-566-2850

Office Hours

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